Welton Free Rangers Forest School and Nursery are bringing the community together with a new garden project in the hope of creating a space in which everyone can share, grow and experience the benefits of the great outdoors and all it has to offer.

Using a field, currently home to their two resident pigs, Free Rangers envisage a space where local people can come together to not only grow fruit and vegetables, but to cook, talk and meet like-minded individuals.

Talking to The Journal, Louis Travallion, who will project manage the space, said: “We hope this will be a space that will ultimately produce lots of organic fruit and vegetables, but highlighting the process of how we get there, by including those who may not have a garden but who want to grow; encouraging healthy eating and producing locally sourced food.

“We will be providing places to cook, to sit and enjoy the outside, again, not just for people to come and help us produce food.

“Being outside is so important for our mental health and overall wellbeing, so extending that to people and groups who may not have the chance is something we are aiming for.

The well-known forest school are hoping to find people in the community looking for something to get stuck in to and showcase the areas diverse skills and talents. Louis continued: “We are involving the local community from the very start. We very much want this to be a project for everyone, not just something we are running with volunteers. We hope people take ownership of it and feel part of something communal.

“We also hope that groups will use the space, like social prescribing groups for people who may have mental health issues, or SEN groups, parent/guardian groups, retired people, young people, everyone who feels they would benefit from it or want to get involved would be amazing.

“We have lots of land which has in the past been used for farming, but since hasn’t been doing much so we want to put it to use.

“The field we are using is flat, gets lots of sun and is accessible via the Greenway, as well as from the nursery, so a great place to start.”

In order to kick-start the project, there will be a local meeting on Thursday, 19th October at 6:30pm, held at the nursery with directional signs in place, for any residents who are interested and want to discuss the initial plans.

In a poster reaching out to the community, Free Rangers said: “We are really excited at the prospect of locally grown, fresh organic and nutritionally dense, delicious produce to hand out and share.

“If you, or someone you know wants to get involved, please email us at [email protected]

To find out more about the nursery and what they offer, visit: http://www.freerangers.org.uk/