North East Somerset residents are being urged to give the birds, bees and other wintry wildlife in their neighbourhood a gift this Christmas by the West of England Metro Mayor, Dan Norris.

From making bird-friendly wreaths to repurposing your Christmas tree, there’s lots families can do to benefit nature this season, according to the Mayor. He says: “Small changes can make all the difference when it comes to supporting bees and other brilliant animals - especially over the festive period.

“Creating a wildlife-friendly garden can add a touch of festivity to your home and benefit wildlife too, but there are lots of other smaller things we can all do - like using recycled wrapping paper.

“Let’s make this year the West’s most wildlife and nature-friendly Christmas ever.”

The Mayor pointed to Avon Wildlife Trust top twelve tips factsheet for people to help people have a “wildlife-friendly Christmas” this year.

Avon Wildlife Trust top 12 tips factsheet for a wildlife-friendly Christmas:

  1. Put up a bird table and provide fatty foods like sunflower seeds 
  2. Support garden birds - any help you can provide would be invaluable
  3. Enjoy the overwintering birds while they're here. Head to our viewpoint at Chew Valley Lake, where there's always a fine range of winter wildlife to see
  4. Plant a holly bush in your garden or in a pot. The berries provide essential food for birds, and ivy nectar is a great winter nectar source for insects
  5. The berries of this parasite plant are a favourite of birds such as Blackcaps, which eat the fat-rich pith. You can help it to spread by growing it in your own garden. Extract the seeds from the berries of a cutting and wipe them on a young branch of a suitable tree, such as an apple
  6. Sadly, many of today's trees are not disposed of sustainably. The good news is, there are plenty of solutions like buying a tree in a pot, and planting it outside when the festivities are over
  7. Instead of hanging sweets on the tree, why not avoid extra packaging by making your own gingerbread men, and hanging those up instead?
  8. Switching to LED Xmas lights 
  9. Decided to skip the Christmas tree tradition altogether this year? Give it a modern twist by planting a tree as a special gift 
  10. Use recycling wrapping paper. You could also replace wrapping paper with brown paper and string, or even old wallpaper
  11. Relax by going for a peaceful stroll in the outdoors - our reserves are open all year
  12. Finally, if you've missed anyone's Christmas present why not give the gift of membership to Avon Wildlife Trust?