The popular series of walking books produced by Timsbury residents Peter Bradshaw, Larry Cunningham and Sue Fraser, together with their walk with Clare Balding broadcast on BBC Radio 4, has heightened interest in the exceptionally beautiful area around Midsomer Norton and Radstock.

In response to this they have produced a photobook, ‘Between The Cotswolds and The Mendips’, depicting the landscape of the wider area.

Together with a foreword by Sue, and an introduction by Larry about the geography of the area, the book contains over sixty of Peter’s landscape photographs.

“In the previous books the photos are secondary to the text,’ explained Larry, ’but brought together in the new book they show how attractive the area is and how fortunate we are to live in such a setting.’

‘We have produced the book to illustrate the beauty and variety in the landscape locally, of which some people may be unaware; particularly those who have been unable to do our walks themselves,’ explained Sue.

“It’s ideal for buying for family and friends,’ she stressed, ‘and Peter has a good eye for that perfect shot, as I’m sure you’ll agree.”

‘Our previous books have raised over £3,000 to date for good causes’, explained Peter, ‘and as I’ve been a Type 1 diabetic for nearly 50 years we’ve decided that all proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to Diabetes UK to support the research that it undertakes.

‘Between The Cotswolds and The Mendips’ is available from Health & More and The Hub in Timsbury, Radstock Museum, Farmborough Community Shop and The Oldfield Park Book Shop in Bath.

It will also be on sale in the Cam Valley Arts Trail in November and the pre-Christmas Pop-Up-Shop in Timsbury.

Peter Bradshaw