As the month of November draws to a close, it has proven to be the wettest since records began. Golf clubs up and down the country have suffered with course closures and temporary greens and tees.

Course protection is paramount and we will all reap the benefits in the Spring when the course will once again be in excellent condition.

The full course was open on Friday the 24th of November, just a few days too late for the Seniors competition which was played over 12 holes on the Wednesday.

Results of individual Stableford are as follows:

Division 1: Andy Snook 30, Dave Teal 29, Jerry Musselwhite 29, David J Millington 25, Jim Lunt 25.

Division 2: Dave Brown 27, David Elliott 25, Barry Hall 24, Mike Hedges 24, Pete Maule 24.

Division 3: Martin Stevens 28, Andy Smart 25, Steve Gay 24, Geoff Clare 24, Dave Lewis 23.

Nearest the pin on 8th  hole was Steve Symonds and on 14th was Ham Ridene. There was only one two spot, well actually there were two but a certain person didn’t put his money in so Dave Metcalfe benefitted to the tune of £49!

Rob Thain