Earlier in the year I was asked to join the Citizens in Policing Team. This was a temporary posting to assist them while some personnel changes were taking place. I was mainly responsible for organising the Volunteers in Policing Award ceremony held at HQ. It was an absolute privilege to read about all the work that all our volunteers contribute to Avon and Somerset Police.

These amazing people care so much about their communities that they give of their energy, time and effort to support the Police. Each year their efforts are recognised by our senior leaders and in recognition of all their work (see www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/news/2023 for the full write up).

I would also like to add my own appreciation to all our volunteers (whether they won an award or not) I sit next to Alex who is the administration for Community Speedwatch. He has been volunteering for us for the last 2 years. I work alongside many special officers who support us on the front line and to all the rest of you of who are involved in our many schemes, Police cadets or drivers. Thank you.

There are plenty of other opportunities for those of you who may be considering stepping up. It is a fantastically rewarding organisation to be part of.

Keep yourself and each other safe.

PCSO Rob Hendra