This month’s mystery photo, from the collection of the Harptrees History Society,shows a well known spot, beside Chew Valley Lake. However, the society needs your help – as this is a real puzzle. It does not appear to be the opening ceremony, attended by the Queen in 1956, so what exactly is happening?

If you know who the people are, or have any idea what the event is, please get in touch by emailing: [email protected]

The two young men sitting outside the Crown Inn, West Harptree, in last month’s mystery photo, had come just down the road from

Gournay Court, now the home of local MP, Jacob Rees-Mogg. During WWI, the house, which then belonged to the Duchy of Cornwall, was used as a Military Hospital. Why they appeared to be drinking tea, rather than beer, is anyone’s guess!

If any readers have old photos of places and events around, or even under, the lake, the history society would love to see them. Just email: [email protected]

Editor: A big thank you to the Harptrees History Society for supporting this feature!

Deadline for guesses for next month is 25th January, so please get in touch with us if you think you know where and what is happening in this month’s Mystery Photograph.