A Cornish pasty shop from near Land’s End is hoping to set up its farthest flung store yet in Bath.

Warrens Bakery, who lay claim to being the oldest maker of Cornish pasties, hope to open on the Bath Spa Station’s Bristol-bound platform.

A spokesperson for the bakery, which has stores across Devon and Cornwall, said: “We are excited to bring pasties but also we have got a really wide range of savouries as well. We specialise in hot food to go.”

The company was founded in 1860 in St Just, just up the coast from Land’s End. The spokesperson said: “You can’t get more South West than that.”

Now the bakery has submitted a planning application to Bath and North East Somerset Council to set up shop in a storefront on the station platform.

The council aims to decide whether to grant planning permission by June 23rd, but the lease has yet to be finalised so it the shop not open until autumn.