To mark the occasion the chairman of Timsbury Parish Council, Josie Pownall, made a presentation to Peter and to his wife, Geraldine.

Thanking them on behalf of the village Mrs. Pownall said: “Under Peter’s chairmanship, the Conygre Trust has served the village well and as he departs both the hall and the field are in excellent condition to fulfil their purpose for the benefit of everyone who lives in the area.

“Peter has been a very active chairman. He has organised the Trust’s affairs, supervised its finances and devoted a lot of time to the care and upkeep of the Conygre Hall.

“He has dealt with the problems, sorted the breakdowns and continually made improvements to the fabric and the facilities” she said.

“We are all grateful for his efforts and I am glad to have this opportunity to thank him on behalf of all of us.

“And we all know that this effort did not come in isolation.

“I’m sure that the affairs of the Trust have loomed large in the Buchanan household and this is also an opportunity to thank Geraldine for living with the Trust’s activities for all of those years.”