In a new column for the Chew Valley Gazette, we introduce a local Climate Agony Aunt, to answer your questions... A mother to young children asks how she can help with climate change:

Dear Nature,

I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old, and I am becoming increasingly concerned about the news of hottest temperature records being hit and wild fires. What is the best thing I can do to help?

Yours faithfully,

Chew Valley Mother

Dear Chew Valley Mother,

I get asked this question a lot and I’m afraid there is no silver bullet answer since it’s such a complex situation that needs systemic change in multiple areas.

The research shows the following individual actions have the most impact:

Move your money (pension/savings/bank account) to an ethical investor - well known high street banks fund war and fossil fuels. Locally we have Triodos.

Fly once every three years (short haul) if you have to and every eight years long haul or travel by train/ferry/coach/bike instead. 70 per cent of all flights in the UK are taken by a small 15 per cent of people who frequently fly. And for some perspective, 80 per cent of your global family have NEVER taken a flight.

Eat a healthier more plant based diet, if you need to eat meat - make it organic, local and occasional. Your bank balance, your body and the environment will be happier for it!

Keep products for at least seven years - especially those with precious minerals in like phones and computers or buy refurbished. Have you heard for the term ‘stuffocation’? If you search online for images of electronic landfill, that should help.

Campaign about systemic issues locally. Talk about it to people, make your voice heard, there is power in numbers.

Try this ‘How rich am I calculator’, to see where you could be helping with the vast inequality that exists in society. Money is currency - it’s supposed to flow.

Educate yourself with the facts, so you are knowledgeable and connected to your fellow humans on the planet. The Climate Fresk workshop is a fun and interactive way to learn about the big picture.

A Word From Nature has been sharing inspiration on sustainable living on her Facebook page since 2011.