Norton Radstock u3a completed their 2023 programme of Speaker Meetings with a fascinating talk and display provided by the Bath Theatrical Costume Hire Company which included a history of the company since its inception in small premises in Bath to much larger premises in Trowbridge. 

The Hire Company has available a vast arrange of costumes for any occasion, some of which go back hundreds of years. As part of the talk and demonstration there were on display a collection of about 50 costumes, some of which members were invited to dress up in. This provided much amusement and photo opportunity.

The year was rounded off by the monthly coffee morning on 18th December which was made special by the refreshments provided by members which included mince pies, cakes, biscuits, and special treats. A very sociable event enjoyed by all members.

These were two occasions were well supported by members which made a brilliant start to the festive period enjoyed for all.

For the first speaker meeting of 2024, our speaker was John Tucker who has managed garden centres for many years, including 25 years as manager of Prior Park Garden Centre. John’s talk was very appropriate for the time of year and included much advice on pruning, reviewing successes and failures, making any changes in garden design other tasks necessary for gardeners to make a good start to the growing year. Developing his talk, John moved on to the Spring / Summer months and with general tips and advice about composts, sowing, and things members could do to provide an attractive space to enjoy the results of their labours.

It was encouraging that for our first meeting of 2024 there were several members welcomed who had not attended meetings since covid. There were also several new members who joined the u3a for the start of the membership year. This is a busy period for our Membership Secretary, Ethne Dando who is now receiving u3a renewal forms and payments at coffee mornings (last Monday of the month 10.30am Somer Centre) and speaker meetings. Membership cards will be issued as soon as possible.

Looking forward to February, our booked speaker for 12th February Wayne Spilsbury has had to cancel but we hope that Tim Lewis will be our replacement speaker. Tim was with us in November when he presented a “Cutdown to Christmas” presentation and in February his talk, music and songs will as usual be highly entertaining and enjoyable. We will advise members of the speaker position once the Tom’s booking is finalised.

Membership to Norton Radstock u3a is now open and anyone no longer in full time employment is welcome to join. 

Further information can be obtained from the Chairman Colin Tincknell by phoning: 01761 413414.

Colin Tincknell