St Peter’s Parish Church, Westfield: The grey February skies didn’t keep people away from St Peter’s last Saturday, the 17th.

We were open from 10am for bacon butties, tea and fraternising and I’m please to say that you Westfield people did us proud and turned up in large numbers. There were so many of you that we actually had to get more tables. Not that I’m complaining, it was a nice problem to have. The ladies in the kitchen worked hard producing the butties, tea and coffee (I’m not being sexist, it was all ladies and without them you’d have starved and gone thirsty). It was warming on a chilly day to see everyone catching up and chatting with old friends and making new friends. I’m sure everyone also enjoyed the raffle and congratulations to all the winners.

It was great to see our Church doing what it is good at - bringing people of the parish together for fun and socialising in God’s house.

Don’t forget, our Benefice Lent Course starts on Wednesday 21st February, between 7pm and 9pm at St Peter’s. We will be asking: “Who we are; why we are all unique; and, why we are all loved by God”. We don’t promise to have all the answers but we’d love to spark your curiosity and questions.

If you are not a regular churchgoer, that’s great as, to misquote Lord Kitchener, “Your Parish Needs You” and we’d love to see you.

Mike Davies