B&NES Council have today refused Curo's planning application to build fifty four homes in Midsomer Norton.

Residents and Councillors in Midsomer Norton have battled with Curo since the planning application to demolish 26-28 Orchard Vale for a development of fifty four homes was sent to the Council's Planning Committee.

In a notification of decision document, B&NES Council submitted the following reasons for their refusal:

  1. Principle of development: The principle of residential development in this location will worsen the imbalance between employment and housing within the Somer Valley. Whilst the main housing development is proposed within Somerset, the provision of an access within B&NES will enable and facilitate the housing development. The development is therefore considered to be contrary to policy DW1 of the Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan Partial Update and policy SV1 of the Bath and North East Somerset Placemaking Plan.
  2. Loss of housing stock: The development will result in a net loss of residential accommodation with the B&NES Authority area. Alternative provision within Somerset has not been secured. The development does not demonstrate substantial conservation, economic, social or environmental benefits that outweigh this harm and therefore is contrary to policy H5 of the Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan Partial Update.
  3. Sustainable construction: The application is not accompanied by a Sustainable Construction Checklist which demonstrates that zero operational emissions can be achieved. The development is therefore contrary to policy SCR6 of the Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan Partial Update.
  4. Lack of a S106 agreement: The application has failed to secure the required planning obligations to the Council's satisfaction, including highway works and contributions, off-site green space contributions and an additional affordable home within Somerset. The development is therefore contrary to policies H5, ST1 and ST7 of the Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan Partial Update.

The refusal comes after Somerset Council, back in early November, rejected Curo's plans for the development.

According to B&NES Council Planning Services, Curo’s proposal would have seen the demolition of number 26 and 28 Orchard Vale, Midsomer Norton, with the ‘development of 54 new homes with open space, landscaping and all associated infrastructure (Cross Boundary Application with Somerset).’

As someone who has stood in opposition to the plans, Councillor Shaun Hughes told The Journal: "

To stay up-to-date with the plans, you can visit here.