Peasedown St John: On Sunday, 17th December at 10.30am there was a lovely Family Carol Service where the children’s group, Harbour, performed a Nativity play which is always a treat for everyone, not just parents.

At 6pm on the same day, were Carols by Candlelight, always a lovely occasion and very popular, for the joyful atmosphere as well as the lovely mince pies afterwards!

Christmas Eve is going to be wonderful. First there is a Crib & Christingle Service at 4.30pm. 

The Christingle, as the name suggests, means ‘Christ Child’ and is made from an orange, decorated with red ribbon, sweets or dried fruit with a small candle in the top. 

The orange symbolises the world; the red ribbon, the love of God through Jesus’ blood; the sweets or dried fruit, God’s Creation. 

There are four cocktail sticks for the four seasons or four corners of the world and the candle represents Jesus being the light of the world, bringing hope to those in darkness.

At 11.30am there will be Midnight Communion and on Christmas Day at 10.30am we will celebrate Christ’s birth with joy and plenty of singing.

We wish everyone ,in the Village, and all over the area, a happy and peaceful Christmas.

Felicity Taylor