A leading councillor on Bath and North East Somerset Council wants to see if the council can do more to reduce knife crime.

Former council leader Dine Romero chairs the council’s Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel as well being the Mayor of Bath.

She told the panel at their meeting on Monday, 10th June: “I intend to set up a group to look at knife crime, and knives and young people so we can actually find out if there’s anything more that we as a council or any other agency could be doing.”

“What we have seen over the last year is three fatalities, so to see if there is any more that we could be doing collectively to prevent more deaths.”

After the fatal stabbing of 16-year-old Mikey Roynon in Bath last month, the council released a joint statement with Chief Inspector Ronald Lungu of the Bath Neighbourhood Policing team, stating that the council’s children’s services team were working with local schools to help children and young people affected by the incident.

Now Ms Romero says the council should look at what work it can do with partners to prevent knife crime incidents.

LDRS, John Wimperis