Peasedown St John Cubs have been busy over the last few weeks preparing items to place into a time capsule.

As part of a project led by local councillors and the Peasedown Residents’ Association, the capsule will be planted in the village’s new community garden.

Cllr Karen Walker, local Independent Councillor and current Chairwoman of Bath & North East Somerset Council, visited the cubs last week at their base at St John’s Church Hall. Cllr Walker was presented with the capsule which she will plant on the Cubs’ behalf in 2019.

She said: “Thanks to the Cubs, who have worked hard on recording their memories and writing messages to place into the capsule.

“To include this as part of our community garden project is an honour. We have wanted to create an outside space that would have a lot of meaning for a cross-section of the community. This addition means the garden will have meaning for the Cubs and their families for many years to come!”

The Cubs also spent an evening volunteering in the garden during the Autumn. Association Secretary, Nathan Hartley, added: “We have had a lot of support from the community for our new dementia-friendly,

sensory garden.

“Volunteer groups like the Cubs have played an important role in ensuring the garden is a place that has been created for the community, by the community!

“We are due to complete the project during the Spring.”