St Peter’s Parish Church: Spring is a time of joy and rebirth but next week we start on the path to contemplate Jesus’ own path to the cross and the truly joyous event of the resurrection.

13th February, is Pancake Day. Traditionally, this is the day we use up the surplus food in the kitchen – ready to start the fasting of Lent the next day and for the following 40 days.

The following day, 14th February, is Ash Wednesday, when Lent truly begins. I know, I know, it’s also St Valentine’s Day (my wife of 55 years won’t let me forget that). We have our Ash Wednesday Service on the 14th February at 7 pm; this year it will be led by our Reader – Paul Curtis. The ashes are a symbol of humility, reflection and a preparation for Easter.

If you really want to reflect on: who we are, why we are all unique; and, why we are loved and liked by God, we would also love to see you at the Waterside Benefice Lent Course, run by our Rector and Curate, the Reverend Ian Rousell and the Reverend Nathanael Worsley. This course can be lively and open and is a great way to test your beliefs and exercise your mind. The course takes place every Wednesday from 7pm to 9 pm on the 21st February through to the 20th March. It is open to all, you don’t have to book, just turn up and you can dip in and out during the 5 weeks.

On a lighter note; this coming Saturday, 17th February, our Church is open for bacon butties and coffee between 10 am and 12pm. Everyone is welcome. You won’t have to be humble, to reflect or prepare. Just turn up, meet and make friends, and have good convivial time.

Mike Davies