Shrove Tuesday (21st February), Avon Fire & Rescue Service (AF&RS) are issuing top safety tips to make sure that local people have an enjoyable Pancake Day.

A traditional feast day to celebrate indulgence, Shrove Tuesday falls 47 days before Easter Sunday and marks the beginning of a period of fasting during the Christian season of Lent.

For most of the UK, Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day when many people take to their kitchens cook up a feast of their own.

The promise of a warm, delicious pancake is hard to beat, but it’s important to understand the risks associated with cooking.

Steve Quinton, Temporary Area Manager for Risk Reduction at Avon Fire and Rescue Service, said: “Making pancakes can be lots of fun for the whole family and they certainly can be delicious.  However, over half of all accidental fires in the home start in the kitchen so please take care, especially when cooking with hot oil.”

Steve offers the following safety tips:

When using a frying pan or cooking with hot oil, remember:

  • Never leave the pan unattended when the heat is switched on

  • Do NOT move the pan if it is on fire!

If the pan does catch fire:

  • Don’t take any risks. Turn off the heat if it is safe to do so.  Never throw water over it.

  • Don’t tackle the fire yourself.


“And when you have finished cooking, make sure that all the appliances are turned off and the cooking area is clear,” added  Steve.

Working smoke alarms will greatly increase your chances of escaping unharmed.  Have an escape plan and follow it - know exactly which way you will leave your home and know where you will go.

Stay alive, stay safe, and make sure your smoke alarms work properly;

  • Test your smoke alarms every month

  • Change the battery every year (unless it's a 10-year alarm)

  • Clean it out properly at least twice every year, by vacuuming the inside.

For personalised home fire safety advice, use AF&RS’s free home fire safety check tool. It takes as little as five minutes and can provide you with safety information and tips for your home and lifestyle.