Midsomer Norton Town Council have co-opted candidate Dr Cheryl Scott onto the Town Council following the resignation of a Councillor back in October.

Councillor Jemma Griffiths resigned from Midsomer Norton Town Council in October following her election to the Council in May 2023.

Dr Cheryl Scott, who stood as a candidate for the town in the May 2023 elections, has been co-opted by the Town Council and will now stand as a Town Councillor, making the Council up to eleven again.

Co-option is the process by which the Council selects a new Councillor, if no-one puts themselves forward, and it is done as an agenda item within a monthly Council meeting.

Cheryl submitted the following candidate profile to The Journal in April ahead of the town elections:

Although I grew up in Bath, I have spent most of my working life in the South East , before moving back to the West country in 2016 to be closer to my ageing parents. . I have worked in the life sciences commercial arena for most of my career, and for the latter half I transferred my board-level business development skills sideways to help early stage health tech innovators to develop their ideas and grow their businesses. I currently work for the NHS, assisting health tech innovators to develop and deploy their innovations within the NHS/social care but prior to this spent five years as Town Clerk to Keynsham Town Council.

During those five years, I assisted the Council to put in place sound financial and budgeting strategies for current and future projects as well as overseeing the Neighbourhood Development Plan, the re-development of the Town centre and associated extensive resident-wide consultations.

Personally, I would like to see Midsomer Norton develop into a vibrant, accessible, safe and inclusive town providing services and activities for all ages. I also think that what this looks like in practice, i.e. which issues to address first, should be led by you, the voters. The Council’s responsibility therefore is to decide how it will effectively deliver on your priorities and provide sustainable stewardship of the assets involved.