St John’s C of E Primary School in Midsomer Norton celebrated British Science Week, 10-19th March.

This year’s theme was ‘connections’. Firstly, they explored this theme by making connections within their local community reaching out to two STEM ambassadors who delivered whole school assemblies.

Both ambassadors spoke about their STEM based careers and how Science relates to their everyday life.

On Thursday 16th they hosted a STEM fair with entries from Reception to Year 6. There were nearly 60 wonderful entries.

Entries ranged from electrical circuits to mechanical hands!

The entries were judged by industry professionals who joined them on the day. They were astounded by the level of effort made by all children. This made the judging very close but there were several winners announced on the Friday across the key stages.

Not only did they make connections within their local community but in their Science lessons. Each year group learnt about a Scientist related to their current topic. This allowed them to make connections between their Science learning in school and real life scientists. Their learning was then shared and celebrated in the week during whole school collective worship.