The MMVC’s recent charity recruitment challenge “20 Mendip Men Needed” which encouraged potential new members to get sponsorship for Prostate Cancer UK, practice with the choir and eventually sing at our Annual Christmas Concert was a great success.

With fourteen new members joining the choir at the first rehearsal this term and others joining at later rehearsals held weekly each Monday at St Mary’s School Timsbury, 19.30pm to 21.30pm.

Chairman Richard Luscombe, explains: “The choir is up to its pre-Covid numbers of 65 singing members, but we still have room and it’s not too late to join and enjoy the great benefits of being in a choir the camaraderie, mental and physical stimulation and wellbeing from singing together”.

To join the choir, look on our website: and click onto the “Twenty Mendip Men Needed Tab”, or speak to a member or just turn up at one of rehearsals, there is no audition, no need to read music and the first term is free.

The choir has concerts planned over Christmas with full details to follow:

27th November at St Mary’s Church, Timsbury.

2nd December at Mendip Golf Club

8th December at Holy Trinity Church, Combe Down, Bath.

16th December at St John’s Church, Peasdown St John.

18th December Annual Christmas Concert at St John’s Church, Midsomer Norton.