About ten years ago, having never sung in a choir and with no ability to read music, I was persuaded to give the Mendip Male Voice Choir a go and have enjoyed being part of it ever since.

The Choir had to shut down during the pandemic but numbers have grown again since and we’re back close to our previous number.

The Choir consists of about fifty blokes who meet every Monday evening, 7.30 – 9.30 pm, in St Mary’s Primary School Hall, Timsbury, and learn a mixture of songs, from recent pop songs to more traditional pieces. There’s lots of fun and laughter and, in such a large group, one doesn’t need a to have a strong voice.

As part of an initiative to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK we’re offering a challenge to up to twenty men to gain sponsorship to learn half a dozen songs with us during the Autumn and sing them with us at our 2023 annual Christmas Concert.

In return, in addition to the enjoyment and camaraderie of singing in a group, the ‘Twenty Mendip Men Needed’ will get free expert professional training and encouragement from our Musical Director Jamie and all the materials needed to learn the songs.

I wondered if you might offer to be one of the ‘Twenty Mendip Men Needed’.

I’m not going to embarrass you by asking you to your face but would ask you to read the leaflet above at least twice and give it serious thought.

There are several ways set out in the leaflet to find out more and if you want to ask me anything about the challenge or the Choir you know where I am.

It would be great to have you singing with us.

Richard Rawlings