John Scaife, always a popular judge at NRPS, returned for the second time this season with his decisions on our open print competition.

A self-confessed fan of minimalism, he nevertheless was equally generous in his consideration of every genre presented to him, and he spent a considerable time commenting on elements of composition and technique in all the entries.

John has a sharp eye for detail and errant focus, but also has a dry sense of humour, and communicates his opinions sympathetically, with charm. Print entries have decreased of late, so let’s hope that his measured and friendly approach helps to re motivate our members as we move into the between season time for summer outings, which the group were busy planning after the break for refreshments.

In the Mono Competition Graham Nicholls achieved a C for his cycling photo entitled “leader of the Pack” and Diana Walker was placed third with her Longleat image of “Monty”. New member, Dave Bathard, was successful with both his entries; awarded HC for “Today’s Catch” and second place for his image entitled “The Potter” Jenny Short took first place with her portrait of “Charlotte”.

NRPS photo competition
Jenny Short took first place in the mono entries for her portrait of “Charlotte". ( )

The Colour Competition saw Jenny Short awarded C for her “Smoke” image of burning incense, and Jill Toman was awarded HC for her steam train image at Cranmore. However, it was travel photography that dominated the top places in this competition. Dave Bathard took both third and second places with “Mother and Child” and “Gypsy Girls” respectively, and Jill Toman took the first place honours with “Lady in Red”.

Next week, the Norton Radstock Photographic Society look forward to Tony Nineham and Lou Bailey’s presentations online as they host the final member evening of the current season.

Jenny Short