A Christmas show for the homeless is being held at The Royal British Legion Hall in Coleford on Saturday, 9th December at 2pm. The “Singing Guitars” (a local u3a group) will be performing a selection of popular music with a Christmas sing-a-long during the second half for all to enjoy.

Entry to this event is free, but all donations will be very much appreciated. So please give generously.

During the interval there will be a raffle and an opportunity to buy light refreshments. All funds raised from the sale of refreshments, raffle tickets and charitable donations will be donated to The Salvation Army Christmas Appeal for the Homeless.

The “Singing Guitars” look forward to welcoming you on the 9th December to join them for this festive occasion.

This group have been together now for several years and have been holding concerts in order to raise money for various charities.

If you have an event coming up and would like some entertainment, please contact the Group Leader, Charmain Gay on: 01761 232785 0r: 07890 051169.

We are a versatile guitar group playing music from the 50s, 60s and 70s, covering groups like The Beatles, Queen, Abba, country music and many other popular songs of our era.

We meet weekly to rehearse, learning new material for our concerts and enjoy the camaraderie of the group.

What is the u3a? The University of the Third Age get together to explore new ideas, skills and activities that you didn’t have time for.

It is mostly retired folk meeting up, learning new skills and having fun with new friends.

If you would like to know more see our website: u3asites.org.uk/norrad Charmain Gay