Last week’s Mystery Photograph (below) was a bit harder than our previous photographs! It was actually Great Elm, near Frome, in the 1900s.

Great Elm mystery photo
Great Elm, Frome circa 1900. (Jeff Parsons)

But it was too tough to call, even for our most eagle-eyed readers it seems, as no-one guessed the right answer. A big thanks nonetheless to all who had a go. A few of you guessed the photograph was taken in Timsbury, with another guess being made for Nettlebridge.

Can you guess where this week’s Mystery Photograph is? 

Please get in touch with your answers on: [email protected], call: 01761 258030. 

Many thanks to Jeff Parsons for supplying another of our Mystery Photographs. If you have an old picture you think would suit the Mystery Photograph, please feel free to email: [email protected]