The Speakers Forum in the Green Futures Field will have forty eight talks over five days, featuring a wide range of environment and social justice speakers.

The Speakers Forum is the beating political heart of Glastonbury Festival. Forty eight talks over five days covering all aspects of the climate crisis. As well as informing the public this is where academics, journalists, organisers and activists get together, network and make plans.

Cllr Shane Collins, Green Party, Somerset Council, Speakers Forum

From the world of climate and academia; Lord Deben (formerly John Selwyn Gummer) Chair of the Climate Change Committee, Dr Luke Kemp from Cambridge Centre Study of Existential Risk, Prof Kevin Anderson of Manchester and Upsalla University on the shortcomings of Net Zero, Jolyon Maugham from the Good Law Project on courting the government, Clare Farrell from XR, Indigo Rumblelow from Just Stop Oil.

From Russia, Maria Pevchikh, who runs Navalny International and will be player in post Putin politics, and Odessa Rea, producer of the award winning NAVALNY film, which will have it's Glastonbury premiere.

From the Amazon, Chief Dada of the Borari tribe defending their land from loggers and miners.

From Bruton, Somerset Urquhart and Hunt, winners of the Chelsea Flower Show 2020 talking about Beavers and Rewilding.

From the world of politics, Clive Lewis MP, Molly Scott Cato ex MEP and Baroness Jenny Jones who has been doing much to weaken the Police Bills in the House of Lords. Ed Milliband MP was due to attend, but unfortunately had to cancel his planned talk in the Speakers Forum.

From the journalism world will be Roger Harrabin, ex BBC Energy editor, from the Guardian we have Patrick Greenfield talking about carbon offsetting pirates, Phoebe Weston on biodiversity and John Harris interveiwing Clive Lewis MP on food and climate. 

Speakers Forum is one of the jewels of Glastonbury. People go to Glasto for all sorts of reasons, and getting an injection of green tonic is one of them. The forum consistently attracts really good speakers from different strands of society and the best of them really prompt people to think.’  I’m delighted to be a part of it.

Roger Harrabin, Environment and Analyst. Ex BBC Environment and Energy Editor

From the world of culture, there will be Asif Kapadia, director of the Amy Winehouse and Senna films, and satirist Jolyon Rubinstein raging against the machine, along with international footballer Katie Rood and pro David Wheeler on how to play 'green' football.

The Speaker’s Forum is part of the Glastonbury Festival’s soul.  It’s a true melting pot where politicians of all stripes, activists, scientists, artists, economists, and of course the Glastonbury crowds meet to discuss climate change, inequality, justice, freedom and anything else that’s on their mind. There’s tea, shelter from the rain, shared cider and always high quality discussion.  It upholds the festival’s long-standing commitment to free speech making the Speaker’s Forum an essential part of Glastonbury’s unique community.

Justin Rowlatt, BBC Climate Editor

The full list of talks, including timings and descriptions, can be found on the Glastonbury website.

Join in with the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #glastonburyspeakersforum.