This coming weekend is Easter weekend, which will mean different things to everyone - maybe a double whammy of bank holiday goodness, maybe an opportunity to meet with family, or to eat too much chocolate.

For a chunk of our local population, it’s an opportunity to reflect on God’s love and celebrate the way He showed it, through Jesus.

This Good Friday, Christians from across several of our local Churches in Radstock and Midsomer Norton are gathering, as we do every year, to reflect and connect. We gather at 11am in the car park by the Tom Huyton Playpark in Radstock, by the Greenway.

We sing and pray together there before walking together up the hill to Westfield, carrying a cross and reflecting on Jesus’ own walk up the hill outside Jerusalem, to be crucified alongside many others. When we get to Westfield Methodist Church, we join others there for an open air service led by the Silver Band - or retreat into the Church itself if the weather sets in!

After the service, everyone is welcome to stay for a simple meal of soup and a roll provided by the Westfield Methodist Church - and an opportunity to chat and connect with others on this day of reflection, before the celebration of Easter Sunday.

Whether you have a Christian faith, are interested in observing Easter differently this year, or are curious to find out more, you are very welcome to join us for the walk, the outdoor service, or both. We hope to see you at 11am!

Charlie Peel