Nature-based projects that are improving green space and waterways in Bath and North East Somerset have been captured in a new prospectus.

The Investing in Green Infrastructure and Nature Recovery prospectus celebrates the success of projects that are under way and work that is planned over the next few years.

It details how more than 5,000 people have taken part in six Bathscape Walking Festivals and 3,600 volunteer hours have been delivered for Waterspace. Bath River Line is undertaking first phase of riverside improvements, which is part of the wider 10km project and 34 hectares of green space is being enhanced for wildlife by Somer Valley Rediscovered Green Spaces project.

Green Infrastructure projects are part of the council’s on-going programme of work that started ten years ago, to provide a planned and managed network of natural and semi-natural areas that deliver a wide range of economic, social and environmental benefits including mitigating climate change and improving access to nature for health and wellbeing.

The prospectus outlines how the council’s Green Infrastructure and Nature Recovery Team works with other services from across the council and a wide range of external partners to develop and deliver these innovative projects. Partners include the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority, regional unitary authorities, environmental partnerships, national and regional organisations and local communities.

Councillor Sarah Warren, deputy leader and cabinet member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel, said: “Delivering high quality green space and waterways across our urban and natural areas provides practical nature-based solutions to address climate and ecological issues. It supports the region’s resilience and delivers outcomes at an international, landscape and neighbourhood scale.

"The prospectus is a summary of current projects that demonstrate how we are working with key partners and communities to improve and manage local spaces for nature and to embed nature recovery across all the council’s services and delivery.”

The Green Infrastructure and Nature Recovery Team is part of the council’s Green Transformation Service that was formed in 2022 to lead the response to the climate and ecological emergencies.

More information about all the projects can be found in the Investing in Green Infrastructure and Nature’s Recovery prospectus on the council website. The document will be updated on a regular basis to keep local communities, residents and existing and potential partners, funders and investors informed.