
Dear Editor,

‘Carmageddon’ at Odd Down Park and Ride

The public have until Saturday March 16 to make their views known once again about the planning application which could bring about “Carmageddon” on the A367 into and out of Bath.

171 dwellings, known as ‘Sulis Down’, are under construction on two fields near the Park & Ride roundabout. Landowners, Hignett Family Trust, have applied for a further 290 houses on two more fields. If planning permission is granted, it would mean that vehicles from all 461 dwellings would feed on to the P&R roundabout from a single point of entry/exit - and all would have priority over traffic coming from Radstock direction. 

At the Planning Committee Meeting in November last year, four gave speeches citing reasons why the plans should be rejected. 1,200 Objections from the public were sent to B&NES.  Many Objectors came to show their concern.  The Planning Committee found it impossible to make a decision. 

The applicant continues to assert that there are no issues with traffic in the south of Bath now, nor will there be in the future. However, from the submitted documents we can learn that they have not directly measured any queuing times or queue lengths at any of the junctions. Because the development is entirely housing, despite the requirement for it to be ‘mixed-use', all community activities and entertainment will be outside the development, generating further car use. Effectively, it would be a large cul de sac joining the network at the A367 Wellsway roundabout by St Gregory's School. Common sense indicates that vehicles from 461 houses would cause serious jams.

There are many other reasons why this latest development on agricultural land should not go ahead.

What happened to brown fields before green fields? Should this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty be concreted over? People need to be in Nature for their mental health.

Is 461 houses without community facilities a sustainable development? Is it justifiable to cut down over 70 trees with Tree Preservation Orders on them to get access to these fields?

B&NES is currently several years ahead of its target for new housing.

Objections can be emailed to: [email protected], quoting the reference 22/02169/EOUT, or write to Bath and North East Somerset Council, Lewis House, Manvers St, Bath BA1 1JQ.

Yours sincerely,

Jenny (On behalf of South of Bath Alliance)


Peasedown St John

Dear Editor,

If you want change you need to vote for it!

If the results of last week’s parliamentary by-election in Rochdale taught us anything, it’s that people are crying out for change!

As well as George Galloway’s victory, the media are also shining a light on the story of David Tully – the local vehicle repair shop owner who stood as an Independent and finished in 2nd place.

How did an average, everyday chap who is passionate about his community with no political allegiances do it? He was offering the change that so many people are crying out for.

There is a growing movement across the UK of local people wanting change in their communities. So many voters are fed up with the traditional two-party system and are now preferring to vote for something different.

Independents work hard, care about their communities and will always put residents’ needs first. In towns and villages like Peasedown St John and Midsomer Norton residents have re-elected Independent councillors time and time again because they know we get things done.

Now, imagine what difference a group of Independent MPs could make in parliament?! Their only interest being to stand up for the communities that elected them, rather than towing a tight, often comprised, party line.

As I travel around Frome and East Somerset meeting business leaders, community group representatives and people in their homes I’m finding that more and more are feeling encouraged to back an Independent for Parliament.

Anyone who’d like to join my campaign can get in touch by emailing [email protected] or following me on Facebook:

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Gavin Heathcote

Peasedown St John, Bath & North East Somerset Council

Prospective Independent MP, Frome and East Somerset



Dear Editor,

Paulton Pensioners Get Together

Please can you allow me space in your paper to thank everyone who came to our Paulton Pensioners Get Together?

Bingo, a raffle and ‘Play Your Cards Right’ were all part of the celebrations on 16th February at Paulton Scouts Hall. We also enjoyed a cuppa and a cake!

It’s so good to see everyone enjoying themselves and raising funds for local charities at the same time. Our next get-together will be on March 22nd at 2:30 pm. Vince will be entertaining us, so come along for a singalong, cuppa and enjoyable afternoon!

Thank you,

Shandy and friends



Dear Editor,

Radstock Town Council budget spend

Please see the letter below sent to Radstock Town Councillor (Writhlington Ward) Lavinia Corrick regarding the Council’s expenditures - so far no official reply has been received.

I think it important that The Journal highlights this use of public funds; especially in the light of several Councils becoming bankrupt through similar misappropriation of their funds.

These people need to be brought to account for their actions.

“Dear Lavinia, I was surprised to see an overspend of £89,500 and looking at the breakdown there is an expenditure of £370,000 for the refurbishment of Trinity Methodist Church! Surely such an extravagant item representing 50% of the revenue is outside of the Council’s remit and should be put to the residents for their approval? I notice you are already spending £30,950 on the so-called Community hub/Trinity Methodist Church. The other item of note is the income from the allotments - £1,500 is wiped out by a cost of £1,560. This makes the Council look incompetent and/or reckless, I do hope you and others can challenge this ridiculous nonsense. It also begs the question of why it was necessary for the so-called Precept levy. regards, Robert Hunt



Dear Editor,

Councillors surgery and B&NES consultation

Paulton Ward Councillors Liz Hardman and Grant Johnson will be holding a surgery this coming Saturday, March 16, from 11 to 12 pm in the Hub Library.

Do come along if you have any issues you would like to discuss with us. As B&NES Councillors, we have a Ward Councillors Empowerment Fund of £1000 each. This fund is to be used to address concerns and needs in the local community.

If you think your organisation could qualify for funding, please come along on Saturday or contact us via email address or phone. No appointments are needed.

Liz Hardman can be reached at: [email protected] or 07999894925. Grant Johnson, email: [email protected] or call: 07866769506.

On another note, a local plan options consultation has been launched by B&NES Council. These plans will be looking at new developments for housing and employment.

B&NES Council is asking for comments and suggestions on the sites that have been chosen. These options include sites in Paulton, Peasedown, Farrington Gurney. Local residents without access to the internet can still make comments - local libraries have paper copies of the consultation documents, so you have an opportunity to make your views known. The consultation period finishes on April 8, so do have your say.

Yours sincerely,

Liz Hardman and Grant Johnson

Bath and North East Somerset Ward Councillors for Paulton