Police have been successful in an application for a sexual risk order against a man who jumped out in front of people at night while wearing a homemade mask.


Joshua Hunt was found guilty of two offences under the Public Order Act of intentionally causing harassment, alarm or distress following a trial at Bristol Magistrates' Court on Friday, 27th October. The offences related to incidents in Bleadon that Hunt was responsible for on 7th May and 9th May this year.


An application for a sexual risk order made by Avon and Somerset Police was granted at the same court today (Friday 3rd November) against the 32-year-old, who lives in the Claverham area. The order will last for five years.


This civil order was requested due to investigating officers' concerns there was a sexual motivation behind his behaviour.


A number of conditions are attached to the order that Hunt must observe, including not returning to Accommodation Road where some of the incidents occurred, or wearing certain clothing at night or face masks and coverings, unless for a medical reason.


Although this is a civil order, if Hunt breaks the order he will risk further criminal prosecution.


Chief Inspector Jonny Murray, North Somerset's policing commander said: "One of Hunt's victims described it as the 'worst night of her life' and the other said it was 'the most frightened I have ever been'. Nobody should ever have to experience such fear and those testimonies tell their own story about how scary these two incidents in Bleadon were.


"We have taken these offences and his wider pattern of behaviour incredibly seriously and I hope the criminal charges and civil proceedings we’ve instigated reassure people we will not tolerate this totally unacceptable behaviour.


"We hope this sexual risk order will help protect the public from harm and distress, and prevent further such incidents happening again."