The newly elected Midsomer Norton Town Councillor's held their first meeting last night (Monday, 15th May) with the election of the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor being first on the agenda.

Councillor Martyn Plant proposed for Councillor Gordon Mackay to become Mayor, seconded by Councillor Alun De Pughe and agreed by all Councillors who voted in favour bar Councillor Jemma Griffiths. Mayor Gordon Mackay then proposed for Councillor Martyn Plant to become Deputy Mayor with Councillor Deborah Thatcher seconding.

Mayor Gordon Mackay will appear at a meeting of Mayors in Bridgewater later this month for his first official engagement, here's what he told The Journal about becoming Mayor: "It’s the greatest honour to be voted in as Mayor of Midsomer Norton.  My biggest thanks goes to those long-serving Councillors who stood down at the recent election and of course, our previous Mayor, Lynda Robertson.  

"We have a wonderful new team in place and I’m going to be relying on their support and cooperation in the coming months as we work together to deliver for the town.  

"In Martyn Plant we have an experienced and able Deputy who already does so much for Midsomer Norton through his work on the Community Trust such as organising the Music Festival, to be held on the 3rd June at the Town Park.

"This is a very exciting time for Midsomer Norton, with a real opportunity to build on the achievements of the past.  I know all the Councillors are dedicated to doing everything we can to raise the Town's profile, support our community and ensure our town thrives.  

"Please do get in touch with the Town Council if you would like any Councillor to help with your project or attend your event: [email protected]"

See below for our Live Blog of last night's meeting: