It was a special service on Sunday as we welcomed our new Minister Rev Andrew Prout to lead our Worship and Communion. The readings which led to his address were from Peter and Matthew with the title 'Who are we as a people'.

Wednesday we are open for coffee from 10.30am for an hour, why not make it this week that you join us.

We now have a new noticeboard that advertises the time of our morning worship as 10.30am but next week for one week only we are commencing our worship at 10am as we are assisting at Stratton Day. The worship is being led by our members and all are welcome.

On Saturday, 16th September, at Radstock Methodist Church we have a tribute concert to Elvis and others commencing at 7pm, tickets are priced to included supper. Tickets in advance are available from: 01761 414032. This is being held for Church funds and your support would be much appreciated. Hope to see you at all or one of these occasions. Jean Auckland