Norton Radstock Tangent have presented £900 to Dorothy House Hospice Care raised through fundraising activities over the last year.

Dorothy House Hospice provides compassionate care and support for people in the local community with a life-limiting illness.

Two members of staff from Dorothy House, Elizabeth Winch (Clinical Lead in Community Palliative Care) and Angela Jakubowska (Community Staff Nurse) accepted the cheque and delivered a heart-warming talk about their work.

To help raise money Tangent members organised a clothes swop evening and helped run a barbecue with Roundtable at a fireworks display.

“I am very proud of the effort and commitment of our members to support such a worthwhile important local charity.

“In addition to raising money for the charity we have learnt more about the practical and emotional support they provide not just at the hospice but also in the community’, said Nicky Jarman, current Chair of Norton Radstock Tangent.