Last week’s Mystery Photograph showed an aerial view of Chilcompton. Well done to those who got it right, and thank you to Radstock Museum for providing this image.

Congratulations to the following who guessed correctly: Vivienne Moon, Malcolm Moore, Les Box, Hannah Selway, Roy Barnes and Val Rogers.

Last week’s photograph was taken in Chilcompton. (Photo: Radstock Museum) (Radstock Museum)

Well done to Dave Seddon, who said: “Tricky one this, but I would hazard a guess and say that it’s the bottom of Chilcompton showing the Old School on Coach Lane left-centre.”

Thank you to Ivor Davis, who contacted us and said: “This is a photo of lower Chilcompton, there in the photograph is the school that I attended during 1942-1949. The rank of houses in the background was known as Prospect Place where I was born.  The photo was taken from the tower of St John’s Church  Chilcompton.”

Raymond Powell said: “This week’s mystery photo is of lower Chilcompton. The building on the left with the gable end facing the camera is The Old School, now a private house. Railings running from that house towards the lower left separate the lane from the stream. The photo must have been taken from the top of the tower of St. John’s Church.”

Raymond Powell included a recent photograph of the same view in with their submission, pictured below.

Thank you to Raymond Powell for this modern-day image of Chilcompton, mirroring the historical photograph from Radstock Museum. ( )

Referring to the recent image, he said: “The mature trees are now hiding a lot of what is visible in the original photo but lots of the newer houses can be seen. It would be interesting to know the date the original was taken.”

Do you know where we are in our latest Mystery Photograph?

Please submit your answers by calling 01761 258030 or by emailing [email protected]. The deadline for guesses is 4pm on Friday.

If you have a historical image of our area suitable for our Mystery Photograph feature, email: [email protected]