Some of you will remember we included, a couple of weeks back, an article about Colin and Christine Button’s cancer journey.

Christine, with the help of Norton Down Methodist Church members and their facilities, hosted a Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise money, and support, for the incredible work they do to help people through their cancer diagnosis and after care.

Mrs Button’s dedication to showing her appreciation for the charity resulted in an incredible £930 raised, thanks to the many people who showed up on the morning of Wednesday, 27th September.

Coffee, cakes and a raffle entertained over one hundred people as they swapped stories about Colin and spoke through their experiences with cancer.

Christine, who hopes to raise awareness of prostate cancer, that Colin was diagnosed with last year, told The Journal: “An incredible number of people turned up to show their support for Macmillan, and Colin.

“It was amazing how many people joined from Colin’s past, just because they wanted to tell me their own stories.

“I would like to say a huge thank you to Norton Down Methodist Church for hosting the very well-attended Coffee Morning. The car park was packed out and they were queuing out the door - I couldn’t have imagined trying to fit all of those people in my house!”

Christine is hoping to carry on her fundraising efforts in the future, but for now thanks Macmillan for all of their support for the couple so far.