COUNCIL-owned land that was previously used for parking in Keynsham will be developed to provide ten affordable, energy efficient apartments.

The properties will be owned directly by Bath and North East Somerset Council, to help meet the demand for social housing in the area.

The properties in Dane’s Lane will be delivered in partnership with Aequus Construction Limited (ACL), the council’s wholly owned development company, and will include six one-bed properties and four two-bed properties, all of which will be secured in perpetuity as 100 per cent affordable housing.

The planning application was approved by the council’s planning committee on May 8 and construction work is due to start later this year.

This development is part of the Bath and North East Somerset Homes programme which is utilising existing council properties and surplus land to deliver homes for residents. The programme has already delivered more than 50 units of accommodation, including supported housing and temporary accommodation with much more in the pipeline.

Councillor Matt McCabe, cabinet member for Built Environment and Sustainable Development, said: “I am pleased that we will be able to start work on this development, which is the next step in our plans to provide affordable homes through the B&NES Homes programme. There is an acute need for new affordable housing in Bath and North East Somerset with around 550 applicants on Homesearch in need of one or two bedroomed properties in Keynsham.”

The finished apartments will be available through Homesearch, the council’s housing allocation scheme for social rent homes and low-cost home ownership in Bath and North East Somerset.

The apartments will be built using a fabric first approach with high performance insulation and glazed elements alongside Passivhaus levels of airtightness. The development will be fossil fuel free with electric space and water heating powered by solar PV panels on the roof areas.

Secure cycle parking will be provided with 20 parking spaces, plus three car parking spaces with electric vehicle charging and a motorcycle parking space

To be eligible for affordable housing, you must:

  • Be 16 or over and not subject to certain immigration rules
  • Live in Bath & North East Somerset,
  • Or have lived here for 6 out of the last 12 months
  • Or have lived in the district for 3 out of the last 5 years
  • Or have permanent paid employment in the district

More information on affordable housing can also be found on the council website: