The following article is a candidate profile for the Westfield Labour Party B&NES Council candidate, Eleanor Jackson. All views expressed are solely those of the author.

This is my favourite photograph because it showcases Westfield Parish Council’s Waterside environmental project which I have supported from the beginning, in order to forestall housing development. Housing should be on brownfield land, especially now we are challenged by Climate Emergency. As a proud grandmother, it represents to me what we should preserve for future generations.

Nearly 20 years ago I ‘retired’ here. I even have an allotment. I am now drawing volunteers together to create Westfield in Bloom. A well kept town lifts the spirits, and creates a sense of community pride. but I am acutely aware of the problems. I target potholes everywhere. Overgrown hedges, overhanging trees and footpaths swamped in nettles are also in my sights.

I have been on the B&NES Planning Committee since 2007, striving to ensure we not only have affordable homes and adequate infrastructure but also green spaces and play areas. Currently I am campaigning to save rural bus services. Getting re-elected will enable me to carry on these campaigns.