Somerton and Frome has elected a new Member of Parliament after a by-election held on Thursday, July 21st. Sarah Dyke, representing the Liberal Democrats, won the election with a majority of 11,008 and 54.6% of the vote.

The by-election was held following the resignation of the former Conservative MP, David Warburton, who had faced criticism for a year of absence from Parliament and a vote of no confidence from Frome Town Council.

Wera Hobhouse, Liberal Democrat MP for Bath, expressed her delight at seeing another Liberal Democrat elected in Somerset. She commented that people are "fed up with Conservative chaos" and are instead choosing "hard-working Liberal Democrats that will deliver for our region."

Sarah Dyke’s win means the Liberal Democrats now have two MPs in Somerset. The result is a significant victory for the party in the region, which has been a stronghold for the Liberal Democrats in the past. 

Wera Hobhouse, Liberal Democrat MP for Bath, commented:

"The people of the South West have been neglected by this Conservative circus for too long. It is now time to end the show with a general election.

"This government has failed our NHS, our waterways, and our wallets. A change from this broken record has never been more welcome.

"I am so proud to see a fellow Liberal Democrat, Sarah Dyke, win in Somerset. People are fed up with Conservative chaos and are choosing hard-working Liberal Democrats that deliver for our communities."