Macmillan Coffee Morning organised by Shandy Udell on Friday, 29th September at Paulton Scouts Hall.
Over one hundred and twenty people turned up to support the event, raising over £1,200, and still counting!
Shandy has been fundraising for Macmillan since 2005 whilst she was a warden at Greenacres with skittles evenings, music quiz and even donations for Shandy’s husband who sadly passed away two years ago.
Little did Shandy know she would need the help and support of the charity when her husband was diagnosed in October 2020 (he sadly passed in September 2021).
Macmillan’s support was invaluable for Shandy and her husband, who were always just a phone call away and helped with finances, support and grief counselling after he passed.
It was wonderful to see so many people gathered together chatting over tea and cakes kindly made by family and friends.
There was also a tombola stall and raffle to help collect funds with fantastic prizes that were donated by local businesses.
Many thanks to everyone who supported the event... special thanks also go to Ginny and John, Peggy, Paula, Carole, Sandra, Caroline, Janet and Margaret, who all help Shandy every month with her organised social events.