Residents are being given a further opportunity to comment on simplified planning procedures to encourage development of the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ) at Old Mills in a formal consultation which starts today.

Bath and North East Somerset Council has previously consulted on a proposal to put in place a Local Development Order (LDO), which sets out the type and quantity of development that can take place on the 13-hectare site and simplifies the planning process by removing the need for developers to make individual planning applications.

The LDO grants conditional planning permission for specific types of development, which avoids the time delays and costs associated with submitting a detailed planning application.

The initial proposal for an LDO has been revised, taking into account feedback from statutory consultees and members of the public. A report offering responses to the key themes raised during the first consultation and a summary of the revisions are available on the Council website.

Councillor Paul Roper, cabinet member for Economic and Cultural Sustainable Development said: “The Council received a good response from the public and other consultees during the statutory consultation for the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Local Development Order. These were taken into account when the plans were revised and we have added a report that addresses many of the questions raised to the project page on the Council’s website. We are now inviting residents and statutory consultees to give us their feedback on the revised plans for the LDO.”

The Somer Valley Enterprise Zone was established in April 2017 to support local businesses and to encourage business growth in the area and the creation of new jobs.

A designated Enterprise Zone provides Business Rate discounts, tax breaks, superfast broadband and other government support to encourage business growth and the creation of new jobs.

The second consultation started, 22nd September, and will last for four weeks until 20th October. You can find out more about the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone project and how to take part in the consultation on the website.

The process of applying for an LDO takes place via our local Planning Register, and you can comment on the proposal and associated documents, like any other planning application. The LDO is now on the B&NES Planning Register with a reference number of 23/00076/LDO.