On the 24th of September, local RUH Head and Neck Surgeon Stuart Gillett will be taking part in the Deca-Ironman in Mexico (a continuous race comprising of 10x the standard Ironman distance) The challenge comprises of:

· 24-mile swim

· 1120-mile cycle

· 262-mile run

Stuart who is already the current UK record holder for 3x and 5x Ironman distance triathlon, said: “The RUH is a fantastic place to work, the people are absolutely fantastic.

"At present I’m trying to get up at 4am to fit in my training before work so that it doesn’t affect my work or family life, with the objective of raising £10,000 towards this new AI software that will save our Consultant Oncologists a large amount of time allowing them to spend more time with the patients.”

He is raising money - in conjunction with our trust charity RUHX - to buy computer radiotherapy AI software for the new RUH Dyson cancer centre. This software will provide cutting edge radiotherapy planning to benefit many patients being treated for cancer by freeing up the valuable time of Consultant Oncologists to concentrate on patient facing care. Including the many Head and Neck cancer patients that come through Stuarts department.

You can donate, follow and see more about Stuart’s story at: · Instagram - @thedecadoctor · Just Giving.