Thank you to Mike Chant for supplying last week’s Mystery Photograph of a different angle of Great Elm.

great elm
Last week's photograph was of Great Elm, Frome (Mike Chant)

Well done to the following for guessing correctly; Paul Hancock, Jeff Parsons, Katie Thayer, Les Box and Hannah Selway, Norma Attwood and Jonathan Griffin. 

Thank you to Richard Edwards who said: “I think we are looking across at Great Elm again. The clue for me, if I am correct, is the small arched structure in the centre of the picture, which Google Street View shows is still there, together with the bridge.”

Many thanks to Jeff Parsons for supplying another photograph for our feature. Some of our recent photographs might have been a bit too easy, perhaps this one will get you guessing. Do you recognise where it was taken?

If you would like to guess where this week’s Mystery Photograph was taken,  please get in touch with your answers on: contactus@mnr, call: 01761 258030. 

If you have an image of our local area from years gone by for week’s Mystery Photograph, please email: [email protected] or bring them in to: The Journal, Paulton House, Old Mills, Paulton, Bristol, BS39 7SX.