A lot of you felt last week’s Mystery Photograph was a bit easier compared to previously, well done to everyone who guessed Timsbury correctly.

Well done to the following readers: Colin Button, Paul Hancock, Simon Chard, Steve Ladd, Alfie Besser, Christine Oatley, Jeff Parsons, Mike Ford, Joy Porter, Eric Brain, Gilmour Jones, Pete Callow, Ivor Davis, Roy Barnes, Val Rogers, J onathan Griffin, Val Hawkins, Les Box and Hannah Selway.

Thank you to Carole Faithorn, who said: “This week’s photo shows part of the High St, Timsbury looking towards St Mary’s parish Church.

“The stone wall with window (front left) is part of Church Farm where there used to be Humphrey’s slaughterhouse and butcher shop. On the right are some of the houses of Pitfour Terrace. Not in this photo but also on the right hand side and a little out of the picture is Pitfour House so I assume that’s why the terrace also has that name. [The Crang family who originally owned the house are said to have named it after the Pitfour Plantation in Jamaica with which there was a family connection by marriage] Just beyond the last house, set back a bit so it’s almost out of sight, was Charlie Heal’s garage. Back in the 1920s and ‘30s it had the only petrol pump for miles around so there were always people queuing for petrol.

“Both of these businesses had gone before I first lived in Timsbury in the early 1970s but otherwise this part of the High St looks much the same now.”

Do you recognise where this week’s Mystery Photograph was taken?

If you have a historic image of our area suitable for our Mystery Photograph feature, please email: [email protected] or bring them in to: The Journal, Paulton House, Old Mills, Paulton, Bristol, BS39 7SX.