On Sunday 30th April at approximately 6.30pm I encountered a rather unpleasant couple in an Audi outside the Fosseway Co-op. I challenged them as they were parked in a disabled bay and I was met by the most abusive of language and a heated exchange took place. The car had no blue badge displayed, hence why I challenged them.

As a blue badge holder,  I was forced to park in a normal space. Luckily the car park was not too busy and I was able to park in a non disabled bay with empty spaces either side.

My point is that I am sick and fed up with non blue badge holders abusing disabled spaces. This occurs on a regular basis at Fosseway Co-op as well as other carparks in the Midsomer Norton area.

Please people, have some respect. I don’t care if you are only going to be two minutes. In that time, you as an able bodied person/non blue badge holder have possibly deprived a genuine holder of the ability to park. This may have caused them stress and anxiety, plus they will not have been able to park and may have been forced to shop elsewhere.

Finally, the manners of people and society in general has declined somewhat, especially since Covid. This is a  shame. Do any of your Readers feel the same?

Name and address withheld