Councillor Steve Plumley has acknowledged the kind words sent in to The Journal regarding his Town Council tenure in our latest letters column.

I would like to thank the residents who have taken the time to write to the Journal or contact me direct to say how sorry they are that I am finishing as a town councillor. 

It’s nice to know that some people recognise the time and effort put in by councillors to improve the town, and all for no payment. So best wishes to all the new councillors who are elected after the May elections, hopefully it will be  some of the people who only want to criticise and seem to have all the answers.

I would like to say  that I will not be disappearing totally  from the local scene  as I will be continuing to work together with my wife Lynn on the various community trust events like cinema , afternoon socials, Paradis Trios and the town Fayre, supporting Welton Rovers and many more.

Thank you once again for appreciating all my efforts ,and to my fellow councillors and office staff  over the last 12 years, it is and always will be a team effort and I am proud to have been part of that team.

Steve Plumley, in a personal capacity