One local resident has expressed their disappointment in a large number of fly tipping incidents going on lately.

I have lived in Clandown all my life. During recent times I have seen an increase in fly tipping in the adjacent lanes close to my village. 

I run regularly around these lanes and have been appalled by what I have seen dumped. Items have included old sofas, a divan and mattress, a variety of white goods and more recently discarded fencing panels in a lay-by used as a passing point from the Camerton crossroads towards Clandown. The old Wheelers yard in the village has also become a haven for dumping unwanted goods.

Why do some people choose to dump things indiscriminately and litter our precious countryside when there is an excellent recycling centre on Radstock Road, just over a mile away? It’s just nonsensical in my view!

However, there is action we can all take to report fly tipping. You can report incidents online to the Council via I have used this service and applaud the Council in taking prompt action to remove items and hopefully investigate those responsible. I understand items must be near or encroaching the public highway for the Council to take action and not what has been dumped on owner’s land which is the responsibility of the land owner. If you’re not online there is also the Council Connect option - telephone 01225 394041.

Happy ‘fly tip spotting’.

PS I’m pleased to report the Council have removed the discarded fencing. Thank you B&NES - excellent response.

David Plummer, Clandown