Midsomer Norton RFC’s Third team made the long trip to Wiveliscombe on Saturday with sixteen players, a great turn-out for such a long trip and a good mix of youth and experience.

Unfortunately for the travelling side, they did not get off to the start that they wanted. You could tell in the first fifteen minutes that the journey had taken its toll on weary legs.

Norton conceded three early tries and this put them on the back foot. But credit must go to all involved for picking themselves up and starting to play the way they wanted, making some good runs out wide and remembering how to tackle. Just before half-time, Norton managed to cross the line, young Connor, seeing the smallest of gaps and showing his pace to score under the posts. Unfortunately, Norton relaxed after their score, only to let Wiveliscombe score another of their own.

The second half was a much better performance from Norton, who showed real determination and with strong running, spent more time in the opposition’s half. A quick tap penalty saw young Anderson pop the ball to the ever present Connor to go over for his second. The final score was 32–14.

Norton look forward to a home game Saturday and will look to add to their numbers.