To paraphrase The Wurzels, it was Radstock’s Somer Athletics Club who were all over Mendip at the weekend.

A field of nearly six hundred athletes included twenty seven Somer runners undertaking the challenging Chew Valley 10km course on a hot and humid Sunday morning.

Arriving at the well organised Race HQ, a few Somer Athletic Club runners had time to be interviewed on camera by event’s media team before team photos and some last minute race preparations.

At 9.30am, the race began with the field peppered with the distinctive black and yellow Somer vests, with Rosie McKissock back as third lady and winning her age category in 41:59.

Somer’s athletes were united in their appreciation of the support of the local residents, especially as they surmounted the hill in Hinton Blewett before the blast back down into Bishop Sutton.

Once again, Chew Valley 10km proved a worthy challenge, enjoyed by all.

Meanwhile, in nearby Charterhouse, eighteen club members participated in the Relish Running Cheddar event. Most of the team came from Somer’s Youth section (pictured above), participating in the Bronze Omnium; this consists of four separate events with 1km and 6km runs, a 100m sprint, and a brutal hill climb. Supported by a team of experienced coaches, Somer’s Youth performed impressively in the hot weather.

Amongst an array of excellent performances, Gertie Blewitt was a star performer winning the ladies Hill Climb, 1km and 100m disciplines. Matching her in the men’s events was Oliver Aldred, winning the Hill Climb, 1km and 6km events. Somer’s dominance of the 6km mens’ event saw eight of the top ten finishers drawn from the club.

Whilst Somer AC’s shirts are seen at events across the globe, the turn out at Chew Valley and Cheddar shows their continued support of local events.

Somer is keen to welcome new members of all abilities to join the Somer running family, helping you to achieve your fitness and running aims in a friendly, social and supportive environment. Seniors meet at 7.15pm, every Tuesday at the Centurion Hotel in Westfield, and Thursdays at Writhlington School. Their Juniors (8-12 years) and Youth (13-17) meet on term-time Thursdays at Chilcompton Sports. More details can be found at or contact them via their Facebook or Instagram pages.