Norton Radstock Photographic Society members shared and talked about their recently taken images at the last club Zoom meeting on Thursday.

Over sixteen members mastered the technology and remembered, or learned there and then, how to successfully share their screens. There was quite a variety, and some included photos taken on the practical evening of bubbles, hula hoops and dark fruit. Many had found the challenge of moving the camera whilst photographing coloured wire interesting, and had been experimenting at home.

Other images ranged from those taken on cycle trips to wildlife from Slimbridge, Longleat and back gardens, as well as motor racing, weddings and tractor runs.

There were some whacky angles on the street, and many efforts to be more creative, which we all enjoyed. New and recent members also contributed, and members not seen in a while turned up again, which was good to see.

The variety, range and quality of the images on show bodes well for a couple of upcoming events. We have a social evening at Hanham Camera Club where we will entertain them with our efforts and explain our photographic approaches and preferences. Members taking part will need to supply thirty images on a memory stick to Jill next week in order that she has time to make the necessary arrangements to present. We must also get our acts together about what we are going to say!

Next Thursday is also hand in day for our monthly Print Competition. New labels are on the website for the back of prints to be entered and can be downloaded and for use from the Competition Rules section.

Next Thursday is also a night where we welcome a speaker so we will be busy in the extreme! Rose Atkinson from the Mid Somerset Camera Club will be speaking on her favourite topic of intentional camera movement, and showing us her recent ARPS print panel, which comes very well recommended.

Jenny Short