Dorothy House is embarking on only its second international trek, this time heading to Vietnam in April 2024. The Hospice is looking for a group of intrepid adventurers looking for their next major challenge! With a project at a rural community hospital and a trek through the Pu Luong Natural Reserve, this is an opportunity to cross something incredible off the bucket list whilst also raising vital funds for Dorothy House.

Participants have to raise £3,900, with at least half going directly to Dorothy House Hospice to allow staff and volunteers to continue to deliver outstanding end of life care to patients and their families. It costs £202.95 to fund a compassionate, skilled and experienced Hospice at Home Carer to provide care overnight, enabling a patient to stay at home at the end of their life, meaning someone taking on Trek Vietnam could fund overnight care for several patients and their families.

Terry, whose wife was cared for by Dorothy House in 2020 and received care from our Hospice at Home Carers, and is already signed up to take on Trek Vietnam, had this to say about his decision:

“Apart from thinking Dorothy House was a place where people go to die, I knew little of the organisation. All that was to dramatically change when in 2020 my wife was diagnosed with MND. Struggling to cope and to take on board the inevitable consequence of this illness, plus dealing with the challenges of looking after a terminally ill and increasingly frail wife, it was recommended I approach Dorothy House Hospice Care.

“The support they provided, on a mental and physical level, cannot be overstated. I will never forget their outstanding care, helping me to accept that my wife would not be with me for much longer. We then had what became daily visits from their carers, which enabled her to remain at home until the end. She finally died in January of 2022, but their support continues, and will do so for as long as I need it.

“Wondering how to acknowledge this, and not wishing to use the rather blunt instrument of a cash donation, I was so pleased when the opportunity arose to join their trekking trip to Vietnam. This was an opportunity to meet up with other like-minded people, and also raise much needed funds for Dorothy House”.

Leaving the UK on the 20th April you’ll fly to Hanoi, spending some time there before heading out to Mai Chau to a community hospital. Once there, you’ll take on a project within the palliative care unit of the hospital working alongside the local team to improve facilities. Tasks could include activities such as repainting, gardening, decorating and other hands-on refurbishment type tasks.

After a few days with the staff and villagers around the community hospital, you’ll head off to the Pu Luong Natural Reserve where the trek begins. With 4 days of trekking ahead, you will cross various terrain, staying in local villages in traditional stilt houses, and getting to meet the local people of the region.

You will then head back to Hanoi for a free day in the city and a farewell dinner before heading back to the UK and landing on April 30th.

The trek is graded moderate to challenging. You will be trekking for 5 consecutive days, over varying and sometimes challenging terrain. You will cover approximately 15-20km per day which will take around 6-7 hours. Those wanting to take part should get training, walking as much as possible, but it will be very achievable for anyone thinking about it.

For any questions, please contact Community and Events Fundraiser Dan Varley on [email protected] or give him a call on 01225 721388.