What do we know about looking after our bones to make sure they go on supporting us throughout our lives? As we get older, our bones become weaker and more likely to break. We also become more likely to fall in later life, which can also lead to broken bones.

Osteoporosis and broken bones are more common in women than men, but men are still at risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Women usually have smaller bones than men and lose bone more quickly for a few years around the time of the menopause, caused by changes in hormone levels.

People with a low body weight (BMI under 19) are more likely to develop osteoporosis and broken bones. Regularly drinking more than fourteen units of alcohol a week can increase your risk of osteoporosis and broken bones. And if that drink has made you unsteady, you may fall and break a bone then.

Smoking does not help either, but the risk of breaking bones decreases after you give up. It is too early to say about the effects of vaping.

The Friends of St Chad’s and Chilcompton Surgeries have organised this talk on the evening of their Annual General Meeting. All residents are welcome to attend – you do not need to be a patient of the surgeries.

Please come along to the AGM at the Methodist Church Hall at 5:30pm, learn about what we have been doing for the last year and tell us what you think we should try to do in the next twelve months. Our speaker Janet Colley, a volunteer with the Royal Osteoporosis Society, will follow immediately after the ‘business bits’. Janet is also Chair of the Bristol & District Support Group. There is a lot to learn about this condition, which may help us all stay healthier. There is no charge to attend.

Our talks are paid for by fundraising that the Friends of St Chads do through their 100 Club and Christmas Raffles. The speakers donate their time free of charge. They also raise funds to provide additional equipment that the NHS is not currently able to provide. They are always looking for new members to join the group. Pop along and see if you like what you hear.

If you have an interest in a particular health issue which you think would be suitable for one of our Health Talks please let Jenny at the Friends know at [email protected] or 01761 232244. If you can suggest a speaker so much the better.

Just to prove that we do not take ourselves seriously all of the time – What did the Osteopath have for dinner? Spare Ribs! See you on the 26th September at 5.30pm.

Jenny Evans